August 22, 2022

After More Than Two Years: China Grants Indian Students Who Are Stuck There Visas

F For the past two years, Covid lockdowns have left a large number of Indian students studying in China stranded at home. But now that things have settled down, the Chinese government has made the decision to issue visas to Indian students who are stranded back home.

The news broke out when Ji Rong, Counsellor, Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tweeted the news. Her tweet read, ‘Warmest congratulations to the #Indian #students! It pays off to be patient. I completely understand your excitement and joy. China, welcome back!’

According to a Chinese government announcement, X1-Visas will be given to students, including newly enrolled students and students who return to China to continue their studies, who intend to travel to China to pursue long-term study for higher academic education.

…a chartered flight hired by Indian businessmen and their families recently made its first arrival in the Chinese city of Hangzhou in more than two years…

Over 23,000 Indian students, mostly studying medicine, are reportedly stuck back home due to Covid visa restrictions. India had submitted a list of several hundred students after China sought the names of those wanting to return immediately to pursue their studies. Some students from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia and several other countries have already arrived on chartered flights in recent weeks.

Monday’s announcement posted on the website of the Chinese Embassy in Delhi said student visas will be issued to the newly-enrolled students and the old students who could not travel to China due to Covid visa bans.

Now that the visa problems have been resolved, flights are the issue for Indian students studying in China. There aren't any direct flights between the two nations, according to reports. A chartered flight hired by Indian businessmen and their families recently made its first arrival in the Chinese city of Hangzhou in more than two years.

An Indian official responded that talks between India and China are ongoing regarding the resume of regular flights between the two countries when questioned about the situation.

Posted in News and tagged News, China, India, COVID, Students, X1-Visas
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