August 12, 2022

Are Foreign Academics Being Denied Entry into India?

R Rumours that New Delhi is trying to keep independent thinkers out of the country are circulating as more foreign academics report having their entry to India denied. Last month, University of Westminster professor Lindsay Bremner of architecture and cities entered India with a valid research visa, but she soon learned she could not stay.

Bremner asserted that "there seems to be a trend" in these kinds of incidents, though he never learned the reason why he was turned away.

…I believe they are trying to threaten and intimidate me because I have made statements critical of national and state governments in the media...

Professor of anthropology and South Asian studies Filippo Osella from the University of Sussex experienced a similar circumstance in March when he was turned away at the border despite having a legitimate research visa and 30 years of fieldwork experience in Kerala.

I had to leave on the same flight I came on," he said, adding that he wasn't given a reason for the decision and was instead forced to work as a guard on the plane returning to Dubai.

In another instance, in response to his criticism of the government, a scholar with Overseas Indian Citizenship (OCI) status, which allows people of Indian descent and their spouses to visit and live in the country, claimed that government officials had threatened to revoke his travel privileges. He added, “The central [government] has threatened to withdraw my OCI card based on false allegations of ‘clandestine activities. I believe they are trying to threaten and intimidate me because I have made statements critical of national and state governments in the media.”

The actions "appear to fit a broader, years-long pattern," according to Daniel Munier, acting director of advocacy at the Academics at Risk Network, of the Indian government using "various means to restrict and punish academic or expressive activity they find objectionable."

Posted in News and tagged News, India, University of Westminster, University of Sussex, Overseas Indian Citizenship, Risk Network, Indian Government
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