June 22, 2022

Carey School of Business and University Technology: Offer Cloud Computing to High School Students

A ASU's W.P. Carey School of Business and University Technology Office is providing a cloud computing course to high school students in collaboration with the National Education Equity Lab and Amazon Web Services.

ASU's University Technology Office and W.P. Carey School of Business, as well as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the National Education Equity Lab, collaborated on the online course. The class provides high school students with the chance to obtain high school and college credit as well as an industry credential in cloud computing, with a focus on those who attend Title I or disadvantaged schools.

…as a teaching fellow, I came to realise that the digital divide is much more complex than lacking the right resources…

The 13-week course, which was taught in a hybrid format to 14 high schools across the country, including Iowa, Louisiana, and New York, finished its second semester last week. The course has so far attracted over 225 high school students.

The online, asynchronous portion of the course is managed by Canvas, which includes recorded lectures from ASU faculty, weekly assignments, and quizzes. Students log into the course from the comfort of their high school's classrooms and computer labs, removing barriers to online access for students.

Mr. Smith, who is one of the five teaching fellows, shared: “As a teaching fellow, I came to realise that the digital divide is much more complex than lacking the right resources. It is deepened by a lack of exposure to opportunities in IT education and careers, which makes this course that much more important for these students.”

Students were also invited to attend weekly office hours with the course's teaching fellows, who are ASU students like Mr. Smith, in addition to asynchronous learning. Students from various schools join a Zoom meeting to review the current learning module, complete homework, and ask questions.

Students can earn high school and college credit and are invited to take the free AWS cloud practitioner certification exam at the end of the course.

Posted in News and tagged News, ASU's W.P. Carey School of Business, University Technology, Cloud Computing, National Education Equity Lab, Amazon Web Services
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