August 18, 2022

Demand for Budget Destinations Higher Amongst International Students: Finds New Study

A As international students look to tighten their budgets, demand for less expensive and more affordable destinations is gaining strength in Europe, according to new data from Studyportals. Italy, where absolute demand has increased by an astounding 45% over the past 12 months, was found to be the survey's standout country. Significant increases are also being seen in Poland, with just over 28%, and Portugal, with just under 29%.

According to Cara Skikne, senior editor for Studyportals, Italy is becoming more popular as a student destination because it is more affordable. The cost of living and studying in Italy, especially in smaller cities, is low. Universities help new students find housing and pay their tuition, among other benefits, while also providing scholarships and other financial aid, according to the Skikne.

…student interest from non-EEA students has surged even more – up by 52%... this strong growth in interest is driven by a surge in students from Iran, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka…

Interest in Italy has increased by 18% within the EEA, which Skikne attributes to interest from Turkey, the UK, and the Netherlands. However, the biggest change has been outside the EEA. "Student interest from non-EEA students has surged even more – up by 52%. This strong growth in interest is driven by a surge in students from Iran, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, "said Skikne.

Apart from Italy, Portugal and Poland are the best options for cheap destinations for international students. According to a source, the emphasis on affordable options may also be a factor in the rise in interest in Portugal. Postgrad claims that all of Poland's cities have an extremely low cost of living, with a room in Krakow costing just 150 euros, and that Portugal also has an extremely low cost of living, with a room in the capital city of Lisbon starting at just 250 euros.

Posted in News and tagged News, International Students, Europe, Studyportals, Poland, Portugal, Italy
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