May 25, 2023

Remarkable Increase in Collaborations between US Higher Education and Agent Organizations Finds New Report

A According to recent news reports, there has been a significant surge in partnerships between US higher education institutions (HEIs) and educational agencies. The revelation came to light with the release of the highly anticipated American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) and BONARD report.

The comprehensive report, prepared with the support of the National Association for College Admission Counseling and the Association of International Education Administrators, was based on surveys conducted between July and October 2022. Over 300 HEIs and educational agencies participated in the surveys, representing a staggering 118,000 international students studying in the United States.

One of the key findings of the report indicates a sector-wide shift towards HEI and agent collaborations. An expert in the field, stated, "This is a sector-wide shift, and it will be interesting to monitor the situation in the immediate future, as the sector moves on from the pandemic crisis and study destinations globally compete aggressively for student recruitment."

…among the barriers to student recruitment identified in the report, the high cost of studying and living in the US was the most significant concern (65%), followed by challenges related to securing a visa (53%), scarcity of scholarships (27%), the perception of the US (24%), lack of promotional material (20%), and safety (16%)…

Compared to survey data from 2021, which revealed that approximately 49% of US HEIs had partnered with agencies, the new statistics indicate a substantial increase to almost two-thirds (62%). Moreover, an overwhelming 98% of institutions currently not working with agencies expressed a strong inclination to incorporate partnerships into their international recruitment strategy.

The survey also shed light on the factors educational agencies consider when vetting potential partners. The top two attributes that agencies prioritize are academic programs and tuition fees, which outweigh university rankings.

Another noteworthy finding from the report highlighted that 29% of educational agencies reported a shortage of partners in the US to meet the increasing demand, signalling potential for future collaboration.

Several other key insights were revealed by the data presented in the report. While enrollment has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels, it has increased steadily over the previous year. Responding institutions expressed confidence in exceeding pre-pandemic levels this year.

In terms of responsibility for international student recruitment within universities, the majority of respondents (54%) indicated that the admissions department manages this task. However, 21% of institutions have entrusted recruitment to their global education office, and 9% have established a dedicated department for this purpose.

When it comes to the most utilized recruitment methods, both virtual and in-person student fairs emerged as popular choices, with virtual events standing at 93% and in-person events at 90%.

The report also highlighted the prevalence of digital marketing, which is employed by 85% of HEIs and serves as the most frequently outsourced recruitment channel. "One-third of institutions rely on a third party for the management of digital campaigns, while having in-country representation is utilized by 30% of institutions," stated the report.

Among the barriers to student recruitment identified in the report, the high cost of studying and living in the US was the most significant concern (65%), followed by challenges related to securing a visa (53%), scarcity of scholarships (27%), the perception of the US (24%), lack of promotional material (20%), and safety (16%).

An insider from the AIRC stated, "[It] reflects the continued growth, development, and professionalization of the international enrollment management field." the source further emphasized the importance of the data in helping HEIs, recruitment agencies, service providers, and other stakeholders assess and improve their recruitment and enrollment management plans and operations.

Posted in News and tagged News, USA, American International Recruitment Council (AIRC), BONARD, Enrollment, International Students
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