July 12, 2022

Reset, Rebuild, Reform: Australia’s New Education Minister Chalks Out Plan for Rebuild

S Speaking at last week’s Universities Australia Conference, Australia’s new education minister has vowed to reset, rebuild, and reform the country’s higher education. Talking at the conference, minister Jason Clare said, “With the new government came “new opportunities and a chance to do things differently.”

Vice chancellor of the University of Sydney, Professor Mark Scott, talked about the election being an opportunity for a reset and a fresh start, a few weeks ago. Recently, he talked about universities being in the solutions business for the government.

Citing his quote, the education minister said, "Mark is bang on. There is so much good we can do, working together. That’s what I want to do. And that, at its core, is what the Australian Universities Accord will be about, a reset and an opportunity to build a long-term plan for our universities."

…our future will be shaped more by what we do here in education, than almost anything else. And that includes what we do next with international education…

Clare told the gathering on July 6 that he plans to appoint a small group of eminent Australians to lead his new project of reset, rebuild, and reform. He further added, “Our future will be shaped more by what we do here in education, than almost anything else. And that includes what we do next with international education.”

The first step in rebuilding, according to Mr. Clare, is to make it clear to students all over the world that we want them to study here. Students claimed they had to choose between paying their tuition and buying food throughout the pandemic because they were unable to access financial aid from the federal government. In some relief, the Melbourne City Council announced a hardship fund in April 2020.

Posted in News and tagged News, Australia, International Education, Universities Australia Conference, Jason Clare, Australian Universities Accord
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