August 09, 2022

UK: Home Office Lifts Rule on Police Registration for International Students

A According to news reports, the UK government has removed a requirement that international students register with the police. The country's international education sector has lauded this action. Those who planned to stay in the UK for more than six months were previously required by the home office to register their information, including their place of study, with local police forces. Before, tuition had to be paid by students.

On August 4, the Home Office withdrew the regulation, which stakeholders claim will ease international students' time in the UK and eliminate a source of stress and anxiety for them.

…the decision to abolish the Police Registration Scheme will be welcome news for universities and international students alike…

Speaking about the ruling, Harry Anderson, policy manager at Universities UK, said, “The decision to abolish the Police Registration Scheme will be welcome news for universities and international students alike. UUK, along with others across the sector, had been calling for the scheme to be dropped for some time.”

Anne Marie Graham, the chief executive of UKCISA, praised the elimination, saying it "will improve the experience of international students in the UK immediately." English UK's Huan Japes, the director of membership, added that the organisation for UK English language schools is "pleased that the home office is acknowledging that duplicate registration with the police is unnecessary since they already collect all the information, they need through the student's visa application."

Posted in News and tagged News, UK, International Students, Police Registration Scheme, Universities UK, UKCISA
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