June 30, 2022

UK Experts Fear Mental Health Crisis Among ‘Covid Generation’ of Students

A According to UK institutions, more students are facing mental health issues as a result of the epidemic. A source from one of the institutions said that there has been an increase in students experiencing mental health difficulties after the Covid pandemic began. Her citing's were confirmed by a report too.

President of the National Union of Students, Larissa Kennedy said that she is worried by the mental health crisis in the country and she hopes that governments step in to avoid further crises.

…younger generation had been “terribly impacted” by the pandemic and lockdown, and needed help to “rebuild their social skills, reassure them about their academic abilities, and support them to be emotionally well…

A Human Mental Health Charity study conducted amongst students showed that around 47% of them had mental health difficulties that negatively impacted performance in college. Another part of the study found that a third said they didn’t know where to go to seek help, according to the survey of 7,385 students. Allaying the results of the report, National Union of Students, Larissa Kennedy, exclaimed that she is “deeply concerned” by the student mental health crisis in the UK.

Another specialist, Dr Dominique Thompson, a recognised medical specialist on student mental health added to what the NUS president said by exclaiming that there has been a "substantial increase" in students presenting with eating disorders, anxiety, loneliness, and self-harm after the pandemic.

She further added that the younger generation had been “terribly impacted” by the pandemic and lockdown, and needed help to “rebuild their social skills, reassure them about their academic abilities, and support them to be emotionally well. She also stated that anxiety and mental health issues were mostly faced by black, Asian or ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ and disabled students.

To close the gap on mental health, the UK government offered a £3m package in funding to the NHS and university mental health services However, the NUS were not pleased, they claim the package offered is a drop in the ocean, equating to just £1 per student.

Posted in News and tagged News, UK, Mental Health Crisis, COVID, National Union of Students, NHS
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