September 28, 2022

Unstoppable WoW3 Introduces New Education Streams in an Attempt to Level the Web3 Playing Field

I In an effort to level the playing field in Web3, the Unstoppable Women of Web3 (Unstoppable WoW3) have introduced a number of new educational streams. With a large female membership, WoW3 hopes to provide a fresh way to learn about Web3 through the introduction of these new streams.

The courses were compiled with the help of Unstoppable Domains, the leading Web3 platform for user-controlled digital identity with over 2.5 million registered domains. In addition, the initiative will be supported by the 130+ Unstoppable Domains partners by including work by historically underrepresented groups in at least half of all Web3 educational resources.

…each stream would feature a variety of content in the form of audio and video sessions as well as written articles created by Unstoppable WoW3 and its partners…

A team insider who was speaking to the media revealed that each stream would feature a variety of content in the form of audio and video sessions as well as written articles created by Unstoppable WoW3 and its partners. The source also mentioned that participants would be taught about Web3 theory and would be given examples of how these theories were put to use in real-world situations.

The pace of the course is designed to be conversational in order to provide a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere and enable participants to learn at their own pace.

I believe that the future of Web3 should reflect our world's diversity. Sandy Carter, founder of Unstoppable WoW3, stated, "Education is the way to create inclusive opportunities for all."

"Web3 is the Internet's future, and we need more diverse voices to be heard for innovation," she concluded.

Posted in News and tagged News, Unstoppable WoW3, Unstoppable Women of Web3, Unstoppable Domains, Educational Resources, Innovation
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