July 15, 2022
Antioch and Otterbein Plan Non-Profit National Private University System

O On Thursday, two private non-profit institutions, Antioch and Otterbein, announced that they plan to open a private university system. Both the institutions have experience in enrolment, with thousands of students applying to their institutes.
At a time of heightened activity in mergers, affiliations, and closures in higher education, the merger announcement seems odd considering that carrying out mergers is considered no longer convenient for leaders at colleges.
Higher education establishments have many unique constituencies that view campuses as mission-driven institutions, and the idea of shared governance capacity means that college individuals elevate their voices about things affecting academics.
…the system will work under a single board that will draw members from Otterbein and Antioch's current boards, as well as others...
Through the merger, both Antioch and Otterbein have two goals for the planned system that are frequently seen as contradictory in higher education: prepare students for employment and pursue a set of non-economic interests associated with the liberal arts, such as improving the common good, social justice, and democracy.
Allaying fears of costs, the merger plans to save expenses through shared services and to extend educational offerings beyond what individual universities can provide.

Exact details are yet to be finalised, but according to William Groves, chancellor of Antioch University, the system will work under a single board that will draw members from Otterbein and Antioch's current boards, as well as others.
In a video, discussing the merger with the press, Mr. Groves said, “This is not a contractual affiliation or a contractual articulation agreement. There is going to be a legal and corporate integration in a way that is much more than a contractual kind of consortium. Leaders that are part of the consortium have claimed that they started talks to bring in other possible partners with compatible missions.
According to insiders, system members are expected to keep their own branding and undergraduate programmes. It may begin offering classes as early as fall 2023.
Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Antioch, Otterbein, Non-Profit, National Private University System
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