July 21, 2022
Canadian Acquisition: Recruit in Canada Bought by The SchoolFinder Group

T The SchoolFinder Group, a global placement and recruitment firm recently acquired Recruit in Canada, the organisation behind Canada's Study and Go Abroad Fairs. In a statement, Recruit in Canada CEO, Anita Kuehnel said that her organisation has been collaborating with the SchoolFinder group for “many years.
RIC in a statement, added that the services provided by both our two business are very complementary, and this acquisition is almost a natural evolution of the business. In addition, RIC stated that the acquisition will not result in any modifications to the fair schedule.
…integrating Recruit in Canada into the SchoolFinder Group provides a full suite of solutions to colleges and universities; from digital marketing and lead generation to education fairs…
Speaking on the takeover, Chris Wilkins, founder and CEO of the SchoolFinder Group, told the media, "Integrating Recruit in Canada into the SchoolFinder Group provides a full suite of solutions to colleges and universities; from digital marketing and lead generation to education fairs," He further added, "The Study and Go Abroad fairs will provide an opportunity to help more students find the right school," Wilkins added.

Sources confirmed to news reporters that after the takeover, RIC members and participants will have access to SFG's customised tools, including drip email marketing, consulting, and its web-based customer relationship management programme, ezRecruit.
In addition to the 1.5 million students, parents, and counsellors in the SchoolFinder Groups community of hundreds of organisations and institutions, recruits in Canada's network of providers and institutions will have access to them.
Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Canada, SchoolFinder, Recruit in Canada, ezRecruit
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