October 18, 2022

EdTech: Follett Higher Education Buys Indianapolis-based Willo Labs

T The largest campus retailer in North America, Follett Higher Education, recently announced that it had acquired Indianapolis-based Willo Labs, a leader in the field of digital learning access control and the creator of a platform that makes it easier to achieve academic, equity, and total privacy goals with online course materials.

Follett Higher Education CEO Emmanuel Kolady discussed the acquisition and said that it presents a huge opportunity for Follett to improve its offerings for instructors and students, making their interactions even more seamless and secure.

We will be better positioned to support institutions, improve security and privacy, and further strengthen the learning experience by bringing the company under the Follett Higher Education umbrella, he continued. Willo is the best-performing course materials edtech platform out there, he added.

…this partnership will expand Willo's reach to millions of students and build upon our mission to help learning institutions become champions of digital access and delivery…

Willo was developed to address the oversaturation of digital learning platforms in K-12 and higher education, which poses problems and confusion for students, teachers, IT teams, and campus stores. Willo was launched in 2016 by co-founders Andy Hall, Kate McKain, and Matt Hanger. Since then, the business has grown to serve more than 1,400 institutions in the US and Canada.

The CEO and co-founder of Willo, Andy Hall, expressed his thoughts on the acquisition, saying, "We're thrilled to partner with Follett Higher Education. Follett is a recognised leader in campus retail, course materials, and e-commerce with a focus on helping students and campuses succeed. This partnership will expand Willo's reach to millions of students and build upon our mission to help learning institutions become champions of digital access and delivery."

Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Follett Higher Education, Willo Labs, EdTech, Digital Learning Platforms, Students
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