October 19, 2022

Hazel Health & Hawaii State Department of Education: Partner to Improve Mental Health Access

A According to news reports, a partnership between the Hawaii Department of Education and Hazel Health will provide free telehealth services to more than 170,000 students in the 295 schools throughout Hawaii. HIDOE announced in a joint news release that it would invest almost $4 million over the next three years in the programme, which was formally introduced this spring and supports Hazel's platform.

The press release states that the tool enables public school students to communicate with the organization's multilingual licenced therapists and receive assessments; sessions can take place at the student's home or school.

In some cases, Hazel staff members will collaborate with families and nearby providers to connect students to the appropriate care. While some students might only need short-term counselling, others might need long-term help, the statement read.

…the combination of school and community-based resources will increase access to affordable mental health services for all of our students and families, ensuring that every child has access to the services and care that they need…

In a public statement, Heidi Armstrong, deputy superintendent of HIDOE, said, "The combination of school and community-based resources will increase access to affordable mental health services for all of our students and families, ensuring that every child has access to the services and care that they need."

The state of Hawaii Department of Human Services and many health plan partners, including Ohana Health Plan, Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA), Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., United Healthcare, and AlohaCare, have all provided support in the design of a sustainable telehealth programme, a HIDOE source told the media.

Hazel's goal is to ensure every child gets attention, is heard, and is cared for while also enhancing the standard of living for kids. With the assistance of HIDOE, Hazel is providing specialised mental health care that lessens some of the structural injustices that prevent millions from receiving the care they need.

Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Hawaii State Department of Education, Hazel Health, HIDOE, Mental Health, Hawaii Medical Service Association
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