June 28, 2022

IU and StraighterLine Team Up to Offer Students Pathway to Top-Rated European Degrees

M Members of IU International University of Applied Sciences and StraighterLine have said that they’re teaming up with each other to offer a pathway to local students in top rated European Universities. The partnership is the first of its kind for IU in Germany and Europe, and it will offer US students access to "flexible" options in both English and German, as well as the chance to spend a semester in Germany.

Students enrolled in the platform, which aims to increase access to higher education, will be able to convert credits to IU bachelor's degree programmes. The German college offers more than 50 customizable study options in English already.

…our partnership offers students in the US and around the world an opportunity to save money on their degree and graduate faster so they can get started in their career…

Carolin Kreuder, COO of Corporate Programs at IU, added, “We are happy to welcome StraighterLine into our partnership network and offer its students the opportunity to study in an international and flexible environment.”

StraighterLine Chief learning officer Amy Smith while speaking on the partnership said, “We both seek to help adult learners succeed on a pathway to employability and career success by offering high-quality online courses coupled with all the support they need to be successful. Our partnership offers students in the US and around the world an opportunity to save money on their degree and graduate faster so they can get started in their career.”

This is not the first time StraighterLine partnered with someone to offer a pathway to foreign degrees, StraighterLine and Campus3 announced a first-year online programme in 2019 to allow overseas students to begin studies in their native countries while waiting for a visa.

Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Germany, Europe, USA, International University of Applied Sciences , IU, StraighterLine, European Universities, Campus3
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