September 07, 2022
To Advance Naturopathy: National Institute of Naturopathy Signs an Agreement with the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology

I In its bid to promote Naturopathy. The National Institute of Naturopathy has signed an agreement with the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology. The decision was taken keeping the progress of naturopathy in mind. The Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) and the National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN), based in Pune, have partnered to spread awareness of naturopathy treatments by establishing an outpatient department and incorporating yoga sessions into various short-term courses offered at DIAT.
Natural medicine and yoga are in higher demand. People have also realised the value of natural immunity as a result of the Covid pandemic," according to Prof. (Dr.) K. Satya Lakshmi, director of NIN.
…several prominent personalities have lived here and got their treatment done through naturopathy…
He added, “Mahatma Gandhi himself used to treat people through naturopathy and this institute has an important role in the attainment of India’s Independence. Several prominent personalities have lived here and got their treatment done through naturopathy.”

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by DIAT, a deemed university, and an independent organisation supported by the DRDO regarding research, education, skill development, knowledge sharing, and information sharing in the fields of naturopathy and yoga.
Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, National Institute of Naturopathy, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Mahatma Gandhi, MoU
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