July 09, 2022
Vietnam Education Sector: INTO University Partnerships Launched Bold Scheme to Developed High-end Advising and Counselling Centers

I In order to support students, agents, and institutions, INTO University Partnerships has unveiled a daring new strategy to establish a network of elite advising and counselling centers in-market.
Sources at INTO say that the "market-facing brand" University Access Centers will serve as a hub for INTO staff, local employees of internationally operating higher education institutions, counsellors, and educational agencies.
…we believe international student mobility can be best enabled through a perfectly balanced approach of in-market presence supported by local expertise and advanced technology, driving a seamless enrolment process…
The UACs will be made available to INTO recruiter agency partners so they can interact with prospective students and parents. More broadly, universities will be encouraged to use INTO to hire local representatives to operate out of a UAC. Speaking with the media, CEO of INTO, Olivia Streatfeild said, “We believe international student mobility can be best enabled through a perfectly balanced approach of in-market presence supported by local expertise and advanced technology, driving a seamless enrolment process.”

The UACs is backed by a £7 million investment to date into physical, local and digital infrastructure in 14 locations worldwide. As a result of a global partnership with the British Council, UACs will also provide computer-based IELTS testing in-market in important nations, establishing a direct connection with students in those nations and giving them another reason to visit the centres.
Posted in Collaborations and tagged Collaborations, Vietnam, INTO University, Counselling Centers, University Access Centers
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